DI Rüdiger Herdin
Working at PGES GmbH since 2008, he took the role of CEO in 2021. Due to his experience in engine design and his negotiating skills, he is an important part of the PGES Team.
DI Dr. Günther Herdin
Founder - retired
In 2007, after more than 30 years experience in engine development, DI Dr. Guenther Herdin started PGES GmbH. Working tirelessly all around the globe, he knows what costumers really need and has valuable business connections to SMEs as well as OEMs.
In December 2020 he handed the company PGES GmbH over to his son Rüdiger Herdin.
Andreas Herdin, MSc
Design & Project support
Since 2014, Andreas is responsible for design and project support. His attention to detail supports the team finding suitable solutions for any kind of technical or organizational matter.
David Herdin, MSc
Design & Project support
David joined the PGES Team 2018. With his experience on CAD and his inventive mind, he creates easy solutions for complex tasks.
Thomas Steiner, MSc
Development & Project support
In times of increasing restrictions in terms of exhaustgases, Thomas adds relevant value to the company with his creative solutions in the area of exhaust treatment.
Michael Joham, MSc
Development & Project support
Michaels focus lies within the area of spark-plugs and their lifetime expectancy. Supporting work on the latest technology to measure and evaluate this essential data, he aswell is a valuable member of the PGES team.